How it all fits together
It’s essential to see issues and individuals within their relevant contexts. We’ve got to address the underlying causes of issues (at a cultural/organisational level), and not just the ‘symptoms’ experienced by individual people. A person’s behaviour and experience is a combined result of who they are, and their situation/context.
We can’t adequately address issues around Christian singleness and marriage if we don’t address the church gender imbalance. We can’t adequately address issues around Christian marriage if we don’t address the impact of society’s worldview on the church.
Vital work is being done nationally around Christian singleness, dating, relationships, marriage and parenting. We now have to work together on bringing these aspects together so we see the big picture of how the transgenerational issues inter-relate. This is what's unique about Engage. We can use this diagram to illustrate how it all fits together:
We need to address issues within and between each of these areas. Every Christian and every church is affected, and can also help in practical ways to change the situation. Have a look at the resources on this website and play your part.
Some of the key issues are that:
Many Christians are unaware of how secular culture is impacting on them and the church with regards to relationships.
The church gender imbalance is a crisis situation – which many are unaware of, and which affects men, women and children.
61% of under 35s are single, and 7.5% of over 55s (Evangelical Alliance, 2012, How’s the Family?).
Many single Christians feel excluded by church culture ( They should feel included as they are, not pressured to get married, but also fully supported and enabled to do so if they wish.
There is limited widespread, biblical teaching for all Christians on healthy singleness, dating, relationships, marriage and parenting.
Many Christian women have to choose between remaining single and childless or marrying an unbeliever.
Many children will grow up as ‘spiritually fatherless’ because of the lack of men in the church.
Many young people and adults need help to work through damaging experiences of relationships, marriage and parenting.
There are fewer and fewer Christian marriages and families to disciple others and future generations.
We must meet the transgenerational needs which are being created by the church.
For a more detailed diagram that shows how some of the issues inter-relate, click here.
For more information, see Key Information.